Douglas and Wendy

Daisypath Next Aniversary Ticker

Dawson Mark Babcock

Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers

Danovyn McCoy Babcock

Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Wednesday, December 17, 2008

New Puppies

So we recently had new puppies!  Emmy went into labor two days early while we were at my school Christmas production.  We don'y know how long she was in labor as the puppy was breech and stuck when we got home.  I frantically called my mother yo come help!  We delivered 4 healthy puppies by sometime that next morning (I couldn't say when as I went to bed around 1 am).

Sunday we ended up with Emmy in the pet emergency room!  Because the puppies were so healthy, they essentially sucked all her calcium dry.  Emmy was seizing and twitching uncontrollably when we got home from church.  The made her stay all night hooked up to monitors and iv's.
Which meant we got to feed the pups! It sounds more fun than it was.  We were up every two hour feeding and it took about thirty minutes to finish one session.  

The puppies are doing great now and boy are they cute!


Kristie said...

So many fun things for your Christmas time!!
Glad to hear that mom and babies are doing well!!

Lena Baron said...

Wendy, I'm sorry I've been so crazy busy I haven't been able to drop in and say hello:) Wow! They are so cute! I didn't know you had a yorkie. How much are you selling the pups for? They are precious! MERRY CHRISTMAS! Your little one is so Sweet! Don't you love being a mom!? Boys are so fun!